Free company check

... Fast. Effective. Efficient. Safe - naturally with ATON

Company check | For even more efficiency, effectiveness & profitability

You want to optimize your manufacturing processes or production processes, service processes or logistics processes?

For more than 30 years, ATON GmbH has been optimizing manufacturing processes, production processes, service processes as well as logistics processes for world market leaders and developing the necessary software. Of course, we do not leave our customers alone with the software developed for them. We are happy to support our customers with concrete commissioning as well as parameterization and professionally train their employees so that they master the software just as perfectly as our own employees.

Why do world market leaders work together with ATON GmbH?

The answer is simple: because they know that ATON develops the best software, which in turn enables them to offer or provide the best possible products and services to their customers. Software that does exactly what it is supposed to do: Sustainably support employees in their work and relieve them. Smoothly and without interruptions.

You want an example of what it means to produce without interruptions? Gladly! Imagine the following situation in your daily business: Your production control system provides your production with the necessary production data. The production runs as usual. But suddenly the production control system does not provide any more data or fails completely. What often happens in these moments? That's right, production collapses and solutions are hastily sought to get production up and running again. Every second of production downtime costs money. And often, unfortunately, also confidence due to delivery deadlines that can no longer be met, such as in the automotive sector. The question now is: Does it have to come to the point where production collapses? Our answer: No. Just keep producing! How does that work? With NEXUM, the unique software family of ATON GmbH! Just keep on producing instead of realizing production losses worth millions!

The production of the future - implemented today

Is your company visionary? Do you want to use tomorrow's technology today and not only produce without interruption, but also save on investment and operating costs compared to today's production? No problem. NEXUM offers numerous options for this. One keyword in this context: PLC. Do you use PLCs in production? You are welcome to do so - NEXUM controls PLCs as well, of course. However, you can save the investment & operating costs for PLCs, since NEXUM can control tools directly and PLCs are not required for production.

Our offer: Benefit from this know-how and use our FREE company check!

We offer to screen your processes and software in manufacturing, production, service and logistics for optimization potential. Our approach:

  1. You contact us
  2. You present us your request
  3. We check your processes or your software - FREE OF CHARGE

We then present our findings and submit our offer for optimization. Your risk? Zero. You can only win.

You wonder why we offer you this service free of charge? It's simple: We are sure that we will find significant optimization potentials that will support you in increasing your efficiency and effectiveness and thus your profitability! We look forward to hearing from you!

You would like to get in touch with us?

Then get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you!

  • Lindenstraße 2, 38154 Königslutter, Deutschland
  • Tel. +49 5353 9175-0