Software Documentations

... Fast. Effective. Efficient. Safe - naturally with ATON

Automotive - ATON | Software-Entwicklung auf Weltklasse-Niveau

Software documentation

A technical software documentation is an elaboration that refers to technical aspects, processes and / or procedures. How to identify good technical documentation? Good technical documentation should be compact, precise, complete and easily understandable for the respective target groups.

What types of technical software documentation exist? With regard to the types of technical software documentation, a distinction can be made between operating instructions, installation instructions, maintenance instructions, technical specifications and technical reports. The documents can be output in various formats, such as printed, as online help (FAQ), CHM file (Compiled Help Module) or as a classic PDF document.

Good technical software documentation should always have the needs of the respective users or customers in mind (for example, planners, maintenance staff, group leaders or workers). Furthermore, it provides you with sustainable support in achieving their goal as easily as possible and without any fuss. For this reason, technical software documentation should contain extremely clear and precise instructions that are easy to understand. Explanatory graphics and images can also be included in the documentation to make it easier to absorb the content. Another target group of technical software documentation is the newly hired employees, as they either receive special training with a software to be used and / or can familiarise themselves with the functionalities of the software by means of the technical software documentation.

As a rule, technical software documentation is prepared by the technical experts to ensure absolutely accurate and correct reproduction of the information to be conveyed. In addition, software documentation should also be updated regularly to ensure that it is compatible with developments and changes in the latest software releases.

Sometimes it seems that technical software documentation is accorded rather little importance in practice by the companies that write it. Even though, it is nevertheless of the utmost relevance for the smooth use of the software products by the customer. Although it may seem that technical software documentation is of rather little importance in practice on the part of the companies writing it, it is nevertheless of the utmost relevance for the smooth use of the software products on which it is based by the customer. Good technical documentation should take into account the needs of the user or customer without compromise and contain clear and precise instructions. Regular updates can keep documentation up to date to ensure that it remains accurate and useful.

Advantages of ATON's documentations

For more than 30 years, ATON GmbH has been acting as a close partner to the most renowned customers in the automotive, logistics and (high-)technology sectors, producing documentation of newly written or deployed software for them:

  • More than 30 years of experience in writing technical software documentation at the highest expert level
  • Documentation written by recognised technical experts
  • Premises of any documentation: Compact. Precise. Complete. Easy to understand.
  • Documentations are written for the respective target group, taking into account the respective needs
  • Updates to the documentation are made whenever changes are made to the underlying software
  • We make your employees fit! We are happy to offer training courses from beginner level to expert level in addition to the documentation.

ATON - Your expert for technical software documentation! Fast. Effective. Efficient. Safe! Let us convince you! We are just a phone call away!

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Then get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you!

  • Lindenstraße 2, 38154 Königslutter, Deutschland
  • Tel. +49 5353 9175-0