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Support - ATON | World-class software development

The necessity of support for professional software solutions

Technical software support is essential for professional software solutions using customers. As technology advances, software products are becoming more complex, making it more challenging for customers to use them effectively. This is where the importance of technical software support comes in.

First and foremost, technical support ensures that customers can use the software effectively. Some customers may have difficulty installing or using the software and may encounter various problems such as error messages, crashes, or bugs. In such cases, technical support is essential to help resolve these technical issues and ensure that customers can use the software to its fullest potential.

Secondly, technical support helps to maintain customer satisfaction. When customers have technical problems with software, they become frustrated and dissatisfied, which can lead to negative feedback or reviews, and even a loss of business. However, if technical support is available, customers are more likely to feel supported and satisfied, leading to better customer loyalty, positive reviews, and increased sales.

Thirdly, technical support is critical for identifying and fixing software bugs and defects. Bugs and defects can impact the functionality of the software, resulting in inaccurate results and undermining the confidence customers have in the software. By providing technical support, software developers can receive feedback from users on any issues they encounter and work to resolve these promptly, improving the user experience and the software's reliability.

Another reason why technical software support is essential is that software developers can use it to gather valuable feedback from their customers. Customer feedback helps software developers understand how users are experiencing the software, identify trends, and discover opportunities to improve user experience, product functionality and even create new features. This feedback helps in software testing, evaluating product updates, and future feature planning.

Finally, technical software support can help to save time and money for customers and software developers alike. With technical assistance, customers can quickly resolve any issues they encounter, saving them the time and resources it could take to tackle the problem on their own. Furthermore, a timely resolution to software issues prevents catastrophic losses in business productivity or operations. Additionally, technical support helps software developers reduce the time and cost of software development by providing a roadmap of issues to be addressed, paving the way for iterative improvements and enabling a faster turnaround time for product enhancement.

In conclusion, technical software support is an important aspect of software development that ensures customers can use the software effectively, helps maintain customer satisfaction, improves product quality through user feedback, and saves time and money for both customers and software developers. Without technical support, software developers risk losing valuable customers, reducing their incomes, and sacrificing their brand's reputation. Hence, it is paramount that software developers provide technical support to their customers, and use this feedback to improve the software continuously.

Basics of good software support

Technical support is an important aspect of any organisation as it helps customers get their questions answered, their problems solved and their concerns resolved. Good support can help a company build customer loyalty and gain the trust of customers. The objective of a software developer or software enigneering company should be to provide excellent support to customers.

Effective support should always be well organised and have a suitable system to handle customer requests. An internal ticket system is an ideal way to record, categorise and process customer requests in an orderly manner. The ticket system also ensures better tracking and monitoring of support tickets so that no request is lost.

Another important point in setting up a successful support service is the training of the support staff. Support staff must have a broad and deep knowledge of the company, its products and services in order to help customers effectively. They must also be trained to act in a friendly, courteous and professional manner towards customers.

Another relevant factor is the response time. Customers usually expect quick responses to their enquiries. Support should therefore respond to requests as quickly as possible to give customers the feeling that their concerns are being taken seriously. Ideally, support should respond within 24 hours.

Finally, it proves important to collect feedback from customers in order to continuously improve the quality of support. Customer feedback can help identify weaknesses in the support system and make improvements. One way to collect feedback is to use ratings that customers can leave after completing the support process.

Overall, good support can help a company strengthen customer relationships, gain trust and ultimately improve the company's reputation. However, it requires some planning, organisation and resources to implement successfully. By setting up a simple ticketing system, training staff, responding to queries quickly and capturing customer feedback, a company can provide more effective support.

Advantages of the support from ATON

For more than 30 years, ATON GmbH has acted as a close partner to the most renowned customers in the automotive, logistics and (high) technology sectors and offers support for both software developed by ATON and third-party software.

  • More than 30 years of experience in the field of support at the highest expert level
  • Extremely valued support partner, especially for global players in the automotive industry as well as in logistics and (high) technology
  • Extremely competent, friendly and attentive contact persons
  • Nothing makes our support sweat - at most the temperatures
  • Depending on the requirements of our customers, our support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • Response times? The way you want it for your company or the way your company needs it!

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Typical ATON - always working for the customer. Why? We love taking on challenges and mastering them!

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  • Lindenstraße 2, 38154 Königslutter, Deutschland
  • Tel. +49 5353 9175-0