AI / Predictive Analysis

AI / Predictive Analysis - old hat for ATON

AI | Predictive Analysis

AI (Artificial Intelligence) as a basis

The buzzword "predictive analysis" is on everyone's lips, not least due to advances in the field of "artificial intelligence", and is used in particular in the context of predictions, statistical models, machine learning, data analysis, data modelling, algorithms, data mining and time series analyses.

Predictive analysis in automotive production

Predictive analysis synonymously also referred to as AI (artificial intelligence) or "AI" is a technology that enables automotive manufacturers to collect data from various sources, analyse it and make predictions about future events in production. This technology is of great importance to the automotive industry, as it can help minimise delays, reduce production costs and improve the quality of vehicles produced.

With the help of predictive analytics, car manufacturers can collect data from various sources, such as sensors on the production line, machines and equipment used in manufacturing, and suppliers for parts and materials. This data is then analysed by intelligent algorithms to gain insights into what factors are affecting production processes and how they can be optimised.

An example of the application of predictive analysis in automotive production is the prediction of downtime. By analysing data from machines and equipment on the production line, the technology can predict potential downtime before it occurs so that automotive manufacturers can take action to avoid or minimise it.

Another example is predicting supply shortages. "Predictive analytics" can monitor supply chains and make predictions about which deliveries may be delayed or which parts and materials may be in short supply. In this way, automotive manufacturers can take proactive measures to avoid delays in the production process.

Overall, predictive analysis helps car manufacturers make informed decisions and optimise their production processes. The technology will become even more important in the future as car manufacturers have more and more data sources at their disposal and the possibilities for analysing and predicting data become more advanced.

It should be noted that the implementation of AI in automotive production also brings significant challenges, especially in terms of privacy and security. Automotive manufacturers need to ensure that they collect, store and use data in a secure and responsible way to optimise their business processes without taking data protection risks, such as those that could arise from outsourcing to an external cloud solution.

Artificial intelligence and ATON: A symbiosis for your successes

  • Predictive Analysis has been used at ATON for more than 30 years
  • While "AI" and "AI" seem to be becoming buzzwords, ATON customers can be sure to get field-proven intelligent software
  • Global market leaders, especially in the automotive industry and (high) technology, rely on the intelligent NEXUM software from ATON
  • Secure software and secure processes - certified according to ISO 9001 and TISAX®

Optimal intelligent software for optimal production results - this is what ATON's high-end software development stands for.

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  • Tel. +49 5353 9175-0